Registro da conferência de 9 Março de 2012: Literacy and multimodality
conferencista: Brian Street/King's College
moderador: Vera Menezes/UFMG
[14:02] <VeraMenezes> Welcome Dr. Street and the audience. I will introduce our speaker in Portuguese and I hope he doesn' mind.
[14:02] <VeraMenezes> Professor Emérito da Linguagem na Educação do King's College, Universidade de Londres e Professor Visitante da Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, sendo também membro integrante do Centro de Linguagem, Discurso e Comunicação.
[14:02] <VeraMenezes> Nos últimos 25 anos tem desenvolvido pesquisas de campo da antorpologia e tem dado consultoria na área de educação em vários países como Nepal, África do Sul, Índia, EUA,
[14:02] <VeraMenezes> É conferencista internacionalmente reconhecido e um dos autores mais citados na área de práticas de letramento. Em 2006 foi Presidente da Comissão de Educação da RAI desde 2006Em 2008 recebeu um um prêmio de distinção e reconhecimento pelos trabalhos desenvolvidos em sua vida acadêmica pela National Reading Conference, nos Estados Unidos da América.
[14:03] <VeraMenezes> Em 2009, foi eleito Vice-Presidente do Instituto de Antropologia.. Sua produção acadêmica é brilhante com 18 livros já escritos e mais de120 artigos publicados em periódicos mundialmente reconhecidos.
[14:03] <VeraMenezes> Enjoy his presentation.
[14:03] <lidianepereira> qual o código para assistir a palestra
[14:03] <Brianstreet> I will provide an account of the epistemological framings of both multimodality and the New Literacy Studies, and outline the histories of each theoretical framework thus enabling each to be situated within their respective intellectual traditions
[14:03] <acris> today there is no code (não tem código hoje)
[14:04] <Brianstreet> I firstly describe the tradition of the New Literacy Studies, and its connection with ethnography and then consider how literacy practices can be understood as being situated within wider domains of practice
[14:06] <Brianstreet> By equally locating multimodality as being about a focus on the material qualities of texts, I argue below that multimodality offers a way of showing how locating standpoints materialize in texts (Kress, 2003).
[14:06] <Brianstreet> Multimodality and New Literacy Studies, brought together, fills out a larger more nuanced picture of social positionings and communication by building an equal recognition of practices, texts, contexts, space, and time.
[14:06] <Brianstreet> Multimodality
[14:07] <Brianstreet> Halliday’s work enabled a layering and deepening understanding of text, form and function within a social context. Gunther Kress, firstly based in Australia and then moving to London in the 1990’s began to use these ideas in relation to social semiotics.
[14:08] <Brianstreet> In his early work he focused on an understanding of signs in society drawing on Halliday and started to map out the idea of the motivated sign (Hodge and Kress 1988). Social Semiotics drew heavily on Halliday and applied an understanding of signs to understand the way context shapes the making and receiving of a text
[14:08] <Brianstreet> a ‘mode’ is defined as ‘a regularised organised set of resources for meaning-making’, which might include image, gaze, gesture, movement, music, speech, writing etc.
[14:09] <Brianstreet> Multimodality, then, is an approach to communication wherein textual modes work in concert with each other without a necessary privileging of one over another. Multimodality is guided by the interests of a sign-maker at given moment in time, place, and with particular ways of making the sign
[14:10] <Brianstreet> Closely informed studies of children’s meaning making could then draw on a theoretical perspective that allowed them to examine anew how children come to what they see afresh, and to recognize how they often draw on a number of different modes to create these new signs.
[14:10] <Brianstreet> The concept of Multimodality enabled a language of description to be applied to children’s text making in a way that was generative, fresh and exciting for contemporary researchers. Multimodality has now developed into a field that is ‘thick’ with descriptive studies
[14:10] <Brianstreet> New Literacy Studies
[14:12] <Brianstreet> In 1983 Shirley Bryce Heath published her seminal Ways with Words that outlined the literacy practices of three communities in the rural Carolinas: Trackton, Roadville and Maintown. Heath recorded how each of these different communities lived, spoke and wrote in different ways
[14:13] <Brianstreet> published at about the same time as another key study by Brian Street of literacy practices in Iran, in which Street identified different literacy practices associated with different domains of practice. An understanding of the ideologically situated nature of literacy was borne from Street’s ethnographic work in Iran (Street 1984; 1993).
[14:14] <Brianstreet> The framework for understanding literacy in such a context involved the concept of ‘literacy practices’ (Street, 1985). This more social perspective on the uses and meanings of literacy
[14:14] <Brianstreet> This approach by an English ethnographer also linked with work in the US tradition of the ethnography of communication which similarly identified ways in which everyday practice and ways of speaking and writing could be understood and interpreted, using ethnographic methodologies (cf Hymes 1996; Hornberger, 1987, 2002).
[14:15] <Brianstreet> Hymes like Halliday had made a move away from an autonomous model of language, in the way that Chomsky had somehow separated analysis of language structures from their social uses. The ‘ethnography of communication’ brought together a more sophisticated view of how language actually worked with an ethnographic perspective on how people actually used it in their everyday communicative practices
[14:15] <Brianstreet> the need to situate everyday language within wider contexts of social practice, as described in Social Literacies (1996). Gee used the term ‘The New Literacy Studies’ to describe the ‘social turn’ that had taken place in the 1980’s and 1990’s as researchers had documented literacy practices in community context, often using ethnography to aid an understanding of these practices.
[14:16] <Brianstreet> The role of ethnography
[14:16] <Brianstreet> What united many of the researchers into literacy practices in everyday life was a focus on ethnography as a methodology. Street himself took from the British school of ethnography the interpretative methods that allowed him to observe and record literacy practices in Iran.
[14:16] <Brianstreet> Likewise Heath drew on the ethnography of communication, as developed by Hymes and others in the US, in order to locate and trace literacy and language practices in three communities in the rural Carolinas (Heath 1983),
[14:17] <Brianstreet> Researchers from the New Literacy Studies have drawn on the ethnographic fieldwork experiences of American anthropologists
[14:17] <Brianstreet> David Bloome and Judith Greene (1996) addressed the dilemma that this essentially anthropological approach raised for many working in the field of language, education and communication, that whilst adopting ethnographic approaches they did not necessarily want to become anthropologists themselves.
[14:18] <Brianstreet> Green and Bloome drew a distinction among three approaches to ethnography that enabled many to overcome this problem, referring to the notion of: doing ethnography, adopting an ethnographic perspective and using ethnographic tools.
[14:18] <Brianstreet> Following these leads, a wealth of research and publications have drawn upon ethnographic perspectives to describe literacy practices across different cultural contexts (Aikman, 1999; Doronilla, 1996; Heath, 1983; Hornberger, 1997, 2002; Kalman, 1999; King, 1994; Robinson-Pant, 1997; Wagner, 1993), contributing to both academic research and theory and to policy and practice.
[14:19] <Brianstreet> Bringing the two traditions together
[14:20] <Brianstreet> We can now begin to identify overlaps and ways in which both traditions – New Literacy Studies drawing upon ethnographic perspectives and Multimodality
[14:20] <Brianstreet> argument was that what is needed to understand contemporary texts, that often include both images and words in their presentation, is a combination of methods of analysis, an ‘inter-disciplinary array of methods’
[14:21] <Brianstreet> These might include a focus on literacy events and practices of the kind he had advocated in a 1988 paper on ‘Literacy Practices and Literacy Myths’.
[14:21] <Brianstreet> that we now find the terms being used in the field of multimodality: as Pahl has suggested: ‘I extend the concept of literacy events and practices to the idea of multimodal events and practices as described by Lancaster to account for the way texts are multimodal’ (Pahl, 2007, p. 81).
[14:22] <Brianstreet> alongside literacy events and practices a wider range of semiotic systems are needed to make sense of everyday life.
[14:23] <Brianstreet> Applying this to education, he argues that that not to take account of multimodality would be problematic for schools as it would de-privilege children who are already drawing on a number of semiotic modes to make meaning and who are likely to be applying for jobs where the employer is quite aware of the importance of multiple modes in meaning making and communication.
[14:24] <Brianstreet> Another aspect that could be brought to bear on the intersection of multimodality and the New Literacy Studies, which is the concept of Discourses, from Gee (Gee 1996; 1999).
[14:24] <Brianstreet> Gee identified that there were two types of discourses - ‘language in use’ which he saw as being ‘little d’ discourses and’ big D’ Discourses
[14:25] <Brianstreet> forms of life which integrate words, acts, values, beliefs, attitudes and social identities as well as gestures, glances, body positions and clothes. (Gee 1996:127)
[14:25] <Brianstreet> S, bringing together NLW and MM, using ethnographic perspectvies and including the concepts of Discourse, Studies that merged the insights of Kress, Street and Gee began to be published in the early twenty first century.
[14:26] <Brianstreet> NLS
[14:26] <Brianstreet> For example Street’s (2005) edited volume Literacies across Educational Contexts includes a number of chapters on semiotic practices in and out of school,
[14:27] <Brianstreet> an understanding of the multimodal text as betraying traces of the practices that went into its making made an understanding of multimodal texts as linked to social practice more visible
[14:28] <Brianstreet> Another example is Rowsell’s work described how D/discourses materialize in modalities in texts and reveal traces of ideas, values, and concepts that inform how we take up the text (Rowsell, 1999).
[14:29] <Brianstreet> She shows how Textbooks, as I shall illustrate below with data from recent classroom studies in the UK, are a good test case for locating the micro, meso, and macro, when analyzing how more local Discourses and turns of phrase materialize in texts to having textbook layouts simulate computer interface and global shifts to communication
[14:30] <Brianstreet> Another key concept is the field is that of artifacts: Discourses, transform them, and materialize them in an artifact, another key term in the new conceptual array (cf Pahl and Rowsell, 2010).
[14:30] <Brianstreet> With a focus on how D/discourses could be instantiated within multimodal texts (Rowsell), and a focus on the literacy events and practices when children are interacting with multimodal texts (Moss) the two fields were coming together and were being actively used by researchers across the globe.
[14:31] <Brianstreet> New Literacy Studies and Multimodality- research studies
[14:32] <Brianstreet> The bringing together of the two fields was firstly achieved through a number of edited collections where researchers explored the intersection in their work. The first, Multimodal Literacy (Jewitt and Kress 2003) placed literacy within the wider field of multimodality,
[14:32] <herculestoledo> Por favor, informem-me o codigo da palestra
[14:32] <Brianstreet> , ‘a multimodal approach to learning starts from a theoretical position that treats all modes as equally significant for meaning and communication..’
[14:33] <Brianstreet> Pahl and Rowsell argued that seeing texts as traces of social practice and ethnography is essential to understanding the repeated practices that sediment into text making (Rowsell and Pahl 2007).
[14:33] <Brianstreet> In their introduction to Travel Notes, they argue that, We need the multimodal in the New Literacy Studies in order to understand texts as material objects. Multimodality gives an analytic tool to understand artifacts such as children’s drawings, and to recognize how literacy sits within a much wider communicational landscape (Pahl and Rowsell 2006).
[14:34] <Brianstreet> Kress and Street, in a Foreword to this volume, recognize the relative contributions of the two fields: The editors of this volume bring together work from two fields of study, both relatively recent arrivals: Multimodality and New Literacy Studies
[14:34] <Brianstreet> Multimodality and New Literacy Studies. In the former there has been an attempt to redress the emphasis on writing and speech as the central, salient modes of representation, in favour of a recognition of how other modes – visual, gestural, kinaesthetic, three-dimensional – play their role in key communicative practices.
[14:35] <Brianstreet> So one major emphasis in work on multimodality is to develop a “language of description” for these modes, that enables us to see their characteristic forms, their affordances and the distinctive ways in which they interact with each other.
[14:35] <Brianstreet> . Likewise, those in the field of New Literacy Studies (NLS) have attempted to provide a language of description for viewing literacy as a social practice in its social environments.
[14:36] <Brianstreet> What New Literacy Studies has added to traditional approaches has been the recognition that reading and writing vary across cultural time and space – the meanings associated with them vary for participants and are rooted in social relationships, including crucially relationships of power.
[14:37] <Brianstreet> Kress and Street conclude by asking what the different fields can contribute: But again the question arises of what are the limits and boundaries here and what does NLS not address that, for instance, a social semiotic theory of multimodality can better handle? Whose tools are better suited to different aspects of the broader task? The question of ‘complementarity’ addresses itself to that – not a matter of mere eclect
[14:38] <Brianstreet> The links of NLS and MM This is timely and necessary precisely because burning issues in representation and communication have proliferated along with the profound changes in the social, cultural, economic and technological world
[14:38] <Brianstreet> In that context the need is to open up questions; and bringing the compatible and complementary approaches of NLS and Multimodality to bear, offers one means of getting further.
[14:39] <Brianstreet> So, key concepts in the field that enable us to draw upon both NLS and MM to address contemporary communicative practyices include: – practices, events, participants on the one hand, semiosis, modes and affordances, genres, signmakers and signs on the other. From each of these further questions follow, uncertainties open up. What is a mode, how do modes interact, how can we best describe the relationship between events and
[14:41] <Brianstreet> I will conclude this theoretical section by signaling recent work that has attempted to bring together New Literacy Studies and the theory and methods of the French sociologist and philosopher Pierre Bourdieu (Grenfell et. al., 2012).
[14:42] <Brianstreet> In an introduction to a volume significantly entitled Language and Classroom Ethnography: Bridging New Literacy Studies and Bourdieu, (Grenfell et. al., 2011) Mike Grenfell, who brought the contributors together, states that the aim of the volume is to ‘consider Bourdieu’s main theoretical positions, his key concepts and how these arose from and have implications for the study of language and education’
[14:43] <Brianstreet> the authors, attempt to link key concepts in Bourdieu’s work with their own research on literacy as social practice
[14:44] <Brianstreet> The concept of ‘practices’, as in Bourdieu’s ‘the ‘logic of practice’, is a way of enacting this array of concepts, linking specific data on, in this case, educational events and activities in general and reading and writing in particular, to the broader field and cultural capital which give them meaning.
[14:44] <Brianstreet> The notion of ‘literacy practices’, then, can be refined in this Bourdieusean sense to enable researchers and practitioners to see the ‘hidden’ features (cf Street, 2009) of academic literacy events and to locate them in their larger social and ideological context.
[14:45] <Brianstreet> Othjer concepts from Bourdkieu that are being applied in the field of litercay include The concepts of cultural reproduction, cultural capital, along with the specific analytic tools of field and habitus
[14:45] <Brianstreet> Hw thes emight apply to Multimodaithy os still a fairly open field that there is scope for much novel research
[14:46] <Brianstreet> Ways of bringing the intersection into play: A Classroom Vignette
[14:46] <Brianstreet> An example of how this approach can help us ‘see’ aspects of classroom practice and the literacy involved, that might otherwise remain ‘hidden’, can be illustrated in the following account of a London classroom recently studied by Leung and Street (forthcoming).
[14:47] <Brianstreet> In many of the classes Leung and Street observed in an ethnolinguistically diverse London school, there was a complex mix of modes of information - written, spoken, visual - configured in different locations – on the walls, in notebooks, on black/white boards involving different technologies and formats – computer and internet sources displayed on a screen, text books, students’ note books, posters, folders, cards for w
[14:47] <Brianstreet> The data is taken from observations of an Advanced Subsidiary level History class (17-year-olds, pre-university) in which students from a number of different language backgrounds were engaged with work on the topic of ‘The origins of the equal rights movement for women’.
[14:48] <Brianstreet> The segment of the lesson reported here begins after the class had settled down and the teacher announced the start of her teaching by drawing attention to the powerpoint slide on the whiteboard
[14:48] <Brianstreet> At the start of the lesson the teacher, Donna, draws the students’ attention to the information on a slide displayed on the whiteboard. The topic of the lesson is: The origins of the equal rights movement for women.
[14:49] <Brianstreet> After introducing the topic, the teacher asks the students to copy the information on the slide into their notebooks and to look up the meanings of the words ‘infiltrate’ and ‘desertion’ in the dictionary, which has been placed on the table in front of the students. The students proceed with the copying task quietly; the teacher sits with the students and occasionally reminds them to use the dictionary.
[14:50] <Brianstreet> Even though qwe are trying ehre to adress different modes, the tehcnollogy it seems does not allow us to see visual images so I can only repot on the classroom inetrcations, not show the images that the studnets saw on the whiteboard
[14:50] <Brianstreet> After five minutes the teacher stands up and introduces a set of key words on a new slide (Slide 2).
[14:52] <Brianstreet> So, we can be Multimodal, only look at written work and take into account how it links with other modes; The teacher tells the class that the main concept for the lesson is ‘how life changed for women’, and that the ‘basic key words’ for this topic are on the left hand side of the whiteboard. The students are asked to find a matching definition for each of the key words from the right hand side of the whiteboard. Th
[14:57] <Brianstreet> GThe point of this example is that it is like many classes these days - there is a complex mixture of modes and the writing aspect is one amongst many
[14:57] <Brianstreet> In total this segment is approximately 9-10 minutes (of a 60 minute lesson). There is constant interweaving between different ‘modes’ of language (talk, writing, reading, listening) and literacy activities, involving a variety of multimodal material use
[14:58] <Brianstreet> The lesson moved at a very fast pace – the teacher moved from one slide to the next slide, asked questions, then instigated a discussion around key terms. There were rapid transitions between teacher-led discussion and short question and answer sessions; at the same time there was considerable student/student talk.
[14:59] <Brianstreet> From the perspective of New Literacy Studies, we might say that we can observe all of the events described here, but recognise that this is not enough, we also need to ask how did the students and their teacher – and the researchers – make sense of them. In order to understand ‘what’s going on’ here, as the ethnographic perspective asks, we needed, as we noted above, to make the shift from events to practices, to be
[14:59] <Brianstreet> to make the shift from events to practices, to begin to identify the meanings and concepts underlying the events, the relation of different modes and their location in social and institutional contexts.
[15:00] <Brianstreet> Similar use of the MM and NLS perspective might be applied p other classroom events and practices, with different languages and registers in different subject areas. The bringing together of MM and NLS would seem to be a productive move which I would see as significant not only in terms of educational contexts of the kind described here but more broadly in terms of everyday communicative practices, for which the approach is o
[15:03] <Brianstreet> So, this presentation has set out some of the key features of NLS and MM, described some recent work drawing upon them and then offered a classroom vignette in which we can use these ideas to explore what teachers and students are doing
[15:03] <Brianstreet> I look forward to time for discussion and perhaps comparisons of how colelagues' own work might relate to these approaches, Obrigado, Brian
[15:03] <VeraMenezes> Thanks, Dr Street for such an enlightening presentation. Let’s now open the channel to questions from the audience.
[15:04] <acris> Brianstreet: the code of your images is stismarch2012
[15:04] <acris> the channel is ready to receive the questions
[15:05] <acris> thank you, Brianstreet
[15:05] <adelmaa> Dear Professor Brian The STIS is honored to have you as our speaker today. Your talk was attended by a number of
[15:05] <acris> thank you, VeraMenezes
[15:05] <adelmaa> researchers from different parte from Brazil. I'm sure we all became a little more thoughtful researcher after you lecture today. Thank you very much. .
[15:05] <adelmaa> I would love two post here two questions to you:
[15:05] <adelmaa> First: I your opinion what are the advantages this kind of study regarding applied linguistics? / Em sua opinião, quais são as vantagens advindas de estudos desta natureza para as pesquisa em linguistica aplicada?
[15:05] <adelmaa> v
[15:06] <adelmaa> Second: How these studies could impact the public policies for education? / Como estudos desta natureza poderiam influenciar mudanças nas políticas públicas em educação?
[15:06] <Brianstreet> and I look forward to questions and how all of this relates to your own work, Brian
[15:06] <VeraMenezes> Do you read Portuguese Brian?
[15:06] <VeraMenezes> Sorry. I see the translation.
[15:07] <Brianstreet> I can quiuckly translate some of this. The question was about how such work may have influenced public policy. In the UK and the US the answer is disappointing in that national policies remain focussed moe narrowly on 'lietrcay', phonics etc. But teachjrs are moving ahead of policy makers ...
[15:09] <acris> teachers has this revolucionary feeling in any country, i think
[15:09] <Brianstreet> remain focussed more narrowly on 'literacy' and phonics etc Burt teachers are moving ahead
[15:09] <Brianstreet> Yes, researchers are tracking what is actually happening in classrooms - the issue is how we can take this into policy circiles
[15:10] <Brianstreet> Sim, os pesquisadores estão monitorando o que está acontecendo nas salas de aula - a questão é como podemos levar isso em circiles política
[15:10] <acris>
[15:11] <Clecio> I was very happy with the talk. IN my doctorate, I have analyzed literacy events involving the use of textbooks, exercise books and dictionaries, in addition to oral discussions of the students on the rolls of drawings and notes on the blackboard. How do you see possibilities of Brazilian research on literacy also contribute to studies of the NLS and MM?
[15:11] <VeraMenezes> Any other questions?
[15:11] <VeraMenezes> I mean question
[15:12] <BrunoForgiarini> Prof. Brian, gostaria de saber a sua visão sobre os novos letramentos e multimodalidade no esnino de linguas. Uma realizade proxima ou distante?
[15:12] <Brianstreet> Yes, there is a book just coming out edited by Judy Kalman and I on New Litercay DStudiers work in Latin America - a next volume could build on work like yours to look specifially at educational contexts and classrooms
[15:13] <Clecio> Thank you.
[15:13] <acris> BrianStreet, when you said that "So one major emphasis in work on multimodality is to develop a “language of description” for these modes" I remebered french semiotics and their powerfull metalanguage to studying meaning. There is a reference where we could compare both approaches? I would love to annalyze the conections in order to try a way of interacting with your proposal.
[15:13] <Brianstreet> esnino de linguas.? Can you translate? I think you are addressing a complex issue here
[15:15] <Brianstreet> Yes, French approaches I know have been influential in Brazil - an inetresting move would be to link these with Ethnography of Com,munication, NLS, MM ...
[15:15] <elianepasquotte> Hi, Professor Street. I would like to propose you a question. Certainly, in relation to the practices of academic literacies, the use of power point for classes and defenses of dissertations and theses represent a complex study that extends the full understanding of the concept of text, literacy events and practices. There are already studies on academic literacies studies terorias weaving together of ethnography, the NL
[15:15] <JSS_> Brian, how do you see the teacher's role in these studies. I meand, we see clearly that a great amount of researches are developed by outsiders from classrooms. Hpw can teachers themselves do researches on their classroom and not just receive what one has produced?
[15:16] <Brianstreet> The point in siuch an approac would be to recognise the 'hidden' features of academic literacy practices - especially those that involve faculty and examiner judgements
[15:17] <VeraMenezes> I would like to go back to your last example during the presentation. What do those data tell language teachers?
[15:17] <acris> Brianstreet: yes, I think so. thank you
[15:17] <Brianstreet> I am in toucbh with colelagues at the University of {Pennsylvania, BGraduate |Scnhool of Educatkion, who are especially experienced in what they term 'practitioner enquiry' ie tecahers themselvves do such rersearch, not justy 'outsiders'
[15:18] <BrunoForgiarini> Sorry. I asked your opinion about the new literacies and multimodality language teaching? It's near or distant to research
[15:18] <Brianstreet> And yes often the teacehrs can identify the 'hidden' features more readily than the outside examining Boards
[15:20] <AnaMatte> Brianstreet: you can use the images now, with the code stismarch2012
[15:21] <Brianstreet> The language field has been well described recently by my colelague Constant Leung ('an article on 'Conviviial Commiunication', in which he criticises second language teaching as ofgten claiming to draw upon Hymes 'communicative competence' but actually reduces it to regulated and testable skills rather than complex communicative practcies
[15:21] <AnaMatte> the code goes into this text bbox in the right part of the window
[15:22] <VeraMenezes> I agree with the criticism
[15:22] <Clecio> n the example shown, the teacher was using a blackboard or a digital board?
[15:23] <Brianstreet> The images that are coming up are, I would say, 'case study' exmaples of how teachers use whiteboards, electronic media etc in classrooms and then talk to studnets about and with them at the same time as helping them to write about it - MM in practice
[15:24] <JSS_> So do I agree, however the negative scenery was always there, and the teacher education programas seem to be aware of it, by discussing texts and theories, but actually we do not see a project or a syllabus that in fact approach the diversity of the classroom.
[15:24] <VeraMenezes> Ana, how can we open the images?
[15:25] <JSS_> in Brazil
[15:25] <ElizabethGuzzo> <AnaMatte> Brianstreet: you can use the images now, with the code stismarch2012
[15:25] <VeraMenezes> so that the audience can see them?
[15:25] <AnaMatte> just puth the code into the box
[15:25] <Brianstreet> But some Teacher Training is beginning to take acocunt of such diversity ...
[15:25] <AnaMatte> everyone must do that
[15:25] <Brianstreet> yes
[15:25] <VeraMenezes> I see an additional problem, I would like you to comment
[15:26] <VeraMenezes> In addtion to the multimodal material brought by the teacher
[15:26] <VeraMenezes> students are at the same time texting
[15:26] <VeraMenezes> taking/sending photos etc
[15:27] <VeraMenezes> I think this should also be taken into consideration instead of
[15:27] <Brianstreet> I have just read a brilliant article by Jan Blommaert (I can send you the ref) which shows how students' use of such texting can be related to the academic litercaies of schooling ...
[15:28] <AnaMatte> you can see the images direct here:
[15:28] <VeraMenezes> instead of trying to prevent them toi use their cells
[15:28] <VeraMenezes> from using their cells
[15:29] <Brianstreet> Yes, teachers aware of MM and NLS can build on what the studnets are doing rather than trying to rpevet it or putting it down
[15:29] <Brianstreet> rather than trying to prevent it
[15:29] <AnaMatte> perfect
[15:31] <VeraMenezes> questions!
[15:31] <elianepasquotte> Professor Street. I would like to propose you a question.
[15:31] <VeraMenezes> Abriram o arquivo? Conseguiram ver as imagens?
[15:31] <JSS_> Brian, how can these such important studies reach teachers there in the school, I mean, that ones who do not have contact with academic production? Wouldn't these studies be localized in the realm of colleges?
[15:32] <monicar> ok
[15:32] <BrunoForgiarini> Sim, profesora Vera.
[15:32] <elianepasquotte> Certainly, for practices of academic literacies, the use of power point for classes and defenses of dissertations and theses represent a complex study that extends the understanding of the concept of text, literacy events and practices. There are already studies on academic literacies relating the three fields of study: ethnography, the NLS and multimodality?
[15:32] <BrunoForgiarini> *professora
[15:33] <Brianstreet> There are various routes for accessing such academic research - journals for teachers can carry reports; teachers doing courses; teachers themselves, as someone said earlier, doing such research
[15:34] <AnaMatte> Brianstreet: do you have a website with this references?
[15:34] <Brianstreet> and we are discussing in FAE a project for bringing academic litercaies work from Brazil, UK, US, France together in relation to the current expansion of universities in Brazil ...
[15:34] <BrunoForgiarini> Good questions @AnaMatte, and an e-mail?
[15:36] <Brianstreet> I can provide a list of some of the work in the academic literacies field - which s moving fast just now
[15:38] <Brianstreet> One of my colleagues in the UK, Anna Robinson-Pant, is doing research on how the administrative requirements of universities are demanding more writing, filling in forms e in ways that may undermine the creative aspect of tutor/ studnet relations
[15:39] <VeraMenezes> What is the point? I did not understand?
[15:39] <VeraMenezes> how can forms interfere?
[15:40] <Brianstreet> a recent book edited by Castello and Donahue, called University Writing, does have a number of examples of the kinds of things you are raising regarding writing practices in university
[15:40] <AnaMatte> Brianstreet: it is fine for you to continue? the time is over, but we are in love with your speach, if you can continue...
[15:41] <Brianstreet> The point is that the administrative requirements may require particualr forms of writing, particualr genres, whilst the tutor and the discipline they are in may have previsouly favoured other forms of writing - that may have been more creative and more intellectually rigorous
[15:42] <VeraMenezes> I see
[15:42] <Brianstreet> I was trying to lonk this with the point earlier about the use of power point for classes and defenses of dissertations
[15:43] <Brianstreet> ok, I can stay for a little while longer
[15:43] <AnaMatte> thank you, thank you :D
[15:45] <adelmaa> It is very kind of you to give us the pleasure to have you alittle more. Thank you!!!
[15:45] <Brianstreet> more questions?
[15:46] <Brianstreet> studies on academic literacies relating the three fields of study: ethnography, the NLS and multimodality? KI can provide some references
[15:46] <VeraMenezes> I would like to know if there are other theories to study images because
[15:46] <AnaMatte> Brianstreet: i think it is a to way route, between teachers and elevens, because elevens already do MM in practice
[15:47] <VeraMenezes> Kress and his partner's studies focus on a kind of syntax
[15:47] <VeraMenezes> Halliday's syntax
[15:47] <adelmaa> According your observations how do you judge the influenece of your reaasearch in Brazilian reseacrhes?
[15:48] <Brianstreet> Art and Design Studies have traditionally provided very sophisticated views of how to read images - Kress does draw upon these in extending the social semiotics aspect of such work
[15:49] <elianepasquotte> and it change the concept of textt and literaci.
[15:49] <AnaMatte> there are softwares (i don't remember now the name) that can be usefull in order to study readyng on computer, could be used to study reading images too
[15:50] <Brianstreet> I don't think I can answer the question about influence in Brazil - but what I see going on suggests there are many complementary areas of work and the colleagues both build on MM/ NLS and have their own contributions I liaise with at UFMG/ FAE
[15:51] <Brianstreet> the colleagues I liaise with at UFMG/ FAE both build on MM/ NLS and have their own contributions
[15:51] <AnaMatte> Brianstreet: is Castanheira, isn't?
[15:51] <Brianstreet> Amongst others
[15:52] <Brianstreet> Yes, work on computer uses does also invovle looking at visual images - and questioning what counts as 'reading' or 'litercay'
[15:53] <Brianstreet> Theo van Leeuwen has done a lot of work in this area and also Carey Jewitt
[15:53] <AnaMatte> Brianstreet: we are going to publish your conference in the site of stis (, ok?
[15:53] <VeraMenezes> I think it is time of final greetings.
[15:53] <Brianstreet> Yes, that's fine, thank you for this interesting conversation. Brian
[15:54] <AnaMatte> Thank you, Brianstreet
[15:54] <AnaMatte> yes, VeraMenezes
[15:54] <VeraMenezes> I would like to thank Dr Brian and the ones who attended such a wonderful session.
[15:55] <Brianstreet> Boa noite
[15:55] <AnaMatte> Thank you all! clap clap clap clap
[15:56] <BrunoForgiarini> Thanks! Excellent presentation! clap clap clap ;)
[15:56] <AnaMatte> Boa noite, Brianstreet
[15:56] <ElizabethGuzzo> Thanks, prof. Brianstreet!
[15:56] <AnaMatte> Pessoal, quem quiser certificado de participação envie um e-mail para
[15:56] <monicar> Thank you, Prof Brain
[15:57] <rivaniatrotta> Thanks Brianstreet, VeraMenezes e @AnaMatte
[15:57] <AnaMatte> Brianstreet and VeraMenezes: we will send you certificate by email
[15:57] <AnaMatte> your*
[15:57] <adelmaa> clap clap clap clap ... It was amazing... Your talk has being so motivating that I would love to keep discussing..
[15:58] <adelmaa> Thank you ...
[15:58] <monicar> Thank you, Prof Vera Menezes and Prof Anacris clap clap clap
[15:58] <BrunoForgiarini> Obrigado professoras Ana Matte e Vera Menezes pela moderação da conferência. Tema muito interessante! Abraço a todos
[15:58] <Brianstreet> and I look forward to meeting up with some of you when I am in Brazil later this year, Brian
[15:59] <monicar> Looking foward to meeting you in Brazil.
[16:00] <AnaMatte> VeraMenezes: muito obrigada!
[16:00] <VeraMenezes> Foi um prazer. Tenho que ir agora. Até mais.
[16:00] <AnaMatte> até
[16:00] <ElizabethGuzzo> Obrigada, Vera!
[16:02] <AnaMatte> Pessoal: mês que vem a conferência é com o Kleber Aparecido da Silva da Unb.
[16:02] <AnaMatte> prof
[16:02] <AnaMatte> acompanhem pela página do evento
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