STIS 2016
6. Setembro: ESL e PLE
STIS - Seminários Teóricos Interdisciplinares do SEMIOTEC
Alexandre Alves Mesquita e Daiane Tamanaha
Conferência dupla STIS SETEMBRO 2016 (Remarcada para outubro)
Dia 07 de outubro das 14 às 16 horas, na Sala de Conferências do STIS
The evolution of fourth year pre-service ESL teachers’ beliefs and practices related to formative assessments
(Prof. Ms. Alexandre Alves Mesquita ( Sherbrooke University - Quebec/Canadá)
Resumo: This study investigates how pre-service ESL teachers learn to teach and evaluate through the scope of three main elements: their prior beliefs, practicum courses and formal education courses (teaching methods and formal evaluation courses). The impact of prior beliefs on the learning to teach process it is in relation to the fact that they can work as filters to sort out program experiences that are cognitive incompatible with their own and the way knowledge is taught our teacher education programs (Calderhead, 1988; Lortie, 1975; Pajares, 1992; Wideen, Mayer-Smith & Moon, 1998). In relation to the second element, it is during their practicum courses that pre-service ESL teachers are expected to be able to test their theories and methods learned during university classes and reflect on their teaching practices in a real classroom context (Beck & Kosnik, 2000; Britzman, 2003). And finally, formal education courses are claimed to complement pre-service ESL teachers’ field-based teaching experience, create a foundation for their assessment literacy and promote changes in their beliefs and practices (DeLuca, Chavez, Bellara & Cao, 2013; Grossman, Valencia & Hamel, 1997). The data was collected through the following methods: open-ended questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, stimulated recall and narratives. Preliminary results include the identification of a series of contextual factors that influence beginning teachers’ self-confidence and sense of preparedness to evaluate. The cooperating teachers’ uncertainty around evaluating with these new approaches affected the pre-service ESL teachers’ feeling of competence. Other preliminary results: while on practicum, pre-service ESL teachers claim that their teaching methods and formal evaluation classes did not prepare them well to teach; cooperating teachers’ behaviour affect pre-service ESL teachers’ professional development while on practicum due to different teaching and evaluation approaches in comparison to the ones learned in their program.
A interação entre o aluno de PLE e a comunidade falante de português como ferramenta de aprendizado
(Profª Ms. Daiane Tamanaha ( Princenton University/USA)
Resumo: O principal objetivo do aluno de PLE é integrar-se à comunidade de falantes de português e comunicar-se. As atividades desenvolvidas em sala de aula, muitas vezes, não permitem que essa interação seja completa ou oferecem um número reduzido de possibilidades para que isso ocorra. Para contornar esse problema, tenho introduzido alternativas, dentro e fora da sala, que facilitam essa comunicação/interação entre estudantes de PLE e a comunidade. Tais como: entrevistas por Skype, criação de programas de rádio, conversas por telefone, viagens a cidades com grande população de lusofalantes nos EUA. Além de estimular a interação entre alunos de PLE e comunidade, essas atividades permitem que os alunos lutem contra, ou mesmo, superem o medo e a timidez de conversar/falar em português. Depois de participar desse tipo de experiência, o aluno torna-se mais confiante ao utilizar a língua porque percebe que consegue se comunicar, nas mais diversas situações e, o mais importante, em contextos reais.