MATTE, Ana Cristina Fricke. Tempo fonoestilístico e semi-simbólico: a árvore gerativa da temporalidade

MATTE, Ana Cristina Fricke. Tempo fonoestilístico e semi-simbólico: a árvore gerativa da temporalidade. Estudos Lingüísticos XXXIII, p. 1274-1279, 2004. Disponível em: Acesso em 01/09/2019.

In order to support with semiotic information the research in the field of phonostylistics, we propose a formula that allows turning a subjective and emotional information of one verbal text into quantitative information, from one analysis of temporality as a constitutive element of emotion. It gives us coordinates for a graphic that represents the variation of tension in the text sentence by sentence. It supports simultaneously the representation of  prosodic  information,  such  as  speech  rate  in  absolute  values  and,  in  relative  values,  the  deviation  of  the duration of speech segments according to the expected patterns. In this paper we present the linguistic basis for this analysis, from a hierarchy of the sense of temporality to the graphics of the modulation of the deep temporal flow.

(texto em português)

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